You Are the Lifeline -
Keep a Living Shoreline
Improve Shoreline Management
Chesapeake Bay Trust
The Chesapeake Bay Program sought to improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries by reducing excessive shoreline erosion and preventing pollution from sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Ultimately, the intention was to create healthier ecosystems and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Our task was to develop a behavior change campaign to encourage shoreline property owners to install a living shoreline or keep their existing shorelines natural.

We used a literature review, interviews with shoreline experts, and a survey of Maryland and Virginia shoreline property owners to inform the development of a community-based social marketing (CBSM) campaign focused on empowering shoreline property owners to keep native plants along the Chesapeake Bay. The campaign included informational flyers, commitment cards, lawn signs, and various resource guides to support Chesapeake Bay shoreline property owners in effectively managing their shorelines. Our team also produced a PSA video and created toolkits to help others spread the word.
By leveraging insights gathered from the target audience, creating vivid print and video resources that spoke to their values, and giving property owners the tools to make an impact on their own, we positioned agencies across the Chesapeake Bay to implement successful outreach to property owners. We were proud to be a part of this important work to protect the Bay from erosion, pollution, and habitat destruction.